Help Us Map Historic Ballard: Event November 12
Join us for live music, refreshments and a kick-off event describing our new project and how you can help! Ballard Historical Society won a Small and Simple grant from Seattle to create an original Historic Resource Inventory and interactive map. The Mapping Historic Ballard: Shingletown to Tomorrow project will update and digitize previous historic resource surveys and conduct a contemporary survey, resulting in an accessible, living map of our neighborhood’s past.
Mapping Historic Ballard: Shingletown to Tomorrow
Thursday, November 12, 2015 6:30 p.m.
Ballard Homestead, 6541 Jones Avenue NW
More info: Davidye Kasperzyk
Find and RSVP to the event on BHS Facebook page
To complete the project by June 2016, volunteers are needed to revisit remaining historic buildings. Volunteers will learn about periods and styles of architecture and have the opportunity to contribute to the final product through photography and research. Exciting! So mark your calendars, plan to attend on Thursday evening for entertainment and refreshments and to learn more!
Also read: Community Lecture on Wednesday, November 18.
Mapping Historic Ballard printable flyer
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